Planting Bulbs
Spring flower bulbs are easy to grow and bulbs have similar requirements once you understand the basics you can grow almost any bulbs with ease. As commercial bulb growers we have compiled some advice on how best to plant and grow your Spring Flowering Bulbs.
When do we plant bulbs?
For best results, the best time to plant your Spring flowering bulbs is the period between September and December. The bulbs will produce roots in the Autumn when the weather and the soil to cool.
What is the bulb planting depth and spacing?
Most bulbs are planted twice as deep as the bulb is high/tall and the same distance apart. The pointed end of the bulb should be upwards. If you are unsure, you can always plant your bulb on it's side and it will alway grow upwards!
What is the best soil type for growing bulbs?
Most Spring flowering bulbs are best planted in a freely draining soil. You can raise up the garden beds to improve drainage. Alternatively plant and grow your bulbs in pots if your soil is soggy.
What is the best planting position?
Most bulbs grow best in full sun to light shade. Generally heavier shade produces taller (and softer) stems. Try not to plant into wet and heavy soil or in a site where bulbs have been continually grown (due to disease build up).
Do I Water the bulbs?
Most Spring bulbs like their soil kept moist whilst they actively grow (from late Winter to early Summer) & reasonably dry whilst dormant. Therefore in our climate it should not be necessary to irrigate other than growing in pots where they will need watering to prevent drying out.
Do I Feed the bulbs?
A general rule of thumb is to top dress all bulbs in Autumn & water in. Use a general fertiliser. Many bulbs grow better if a second dressing is applied straight after flowering as this is when the bulb is taking in nutrients for next year's flowers, however the bulb stores all its seasons growth within it so if you do not feed they will still grow and flower well.
Digging & storing your spring flower bulbs:
You can leave most bulbs in the garden but if you want to move them or increase the bulbs then you can lift and store them.Allow the foliage to die down before digging up your bulbs. Firstly loosen the soil with a fork and gently pull up the bulbs by their stems. Allow the bulbs to dry somewhere cool (not in full sun). Once dry, clean excess dirt and remove old flower stalks. Try to leave the bulbs 'skin' in tact as this helps protect the bulbs. Store the bulbs somewhere cool (less than 25oC), dry and airy until you replant the following Autumn.
Guide lines for planting your Spring flower bulbs in pots:
- Keep the bulbs away from the outer edges of the pot which get very hot.
- Water regularly to keep soil slightly moist.
- Plant the bulbs in the garden the following year since most won't flower consecutive years in pots.
Where to plant and grow bulbs?
Bulbs to plant in sunny positions
Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Crocus, Allium, Anemone, Colchicum, Iris,Scilla
Bulbs to plant in shady positions
Bluebell, Snowdrop, Aconites, Wood Anemone, Allium ursinum, Cyclamen,
Bulbs to plant in rockeries
Iris reticulata, Muscari, Anemone blanda, Corydalis, Allium (small flowered), Crocus, Crocus species, Narcissii (small flowered), Ipheon, Oxalis,
Bulbs for naturalising
Bluebell, Daffodils, Crocus, Scilla, Aconites, Snowdrops, Anemone, Camassia,
Bulbs for pots and containers
Anemone, Narcissii (small flowered), Rockery Tulips, Double Early Tulips, Crocus, Erythronium, Hyacinths,